My Coaching Methodology

Presentation1Coaching aims to be a catalyst to enable a person to find the answers and inspiration from within oneself.

Experiential Learning and Systems Thinking underpins my meaning centred coaching style. It is geared towards developing areas, which the clients believe will assist them better in their work environment and personal development.  Using a Learning Style Inventory the clients are firstly made attentive on their own characteristics and preferred way of doing things.  So-called strong points of other character types are then selected and together we embark on a journey to develop these traits. The Gravity Defying Coaching Model does not purport to assist people to overcome their presumed “weak-points” but rather to stimulate the client to develop additional “strong-points”.

This methodology allows the clients to involve themselves fully and without bias to develop additional strong points that does not naturally fall within their own experiential personality type. In the process, without focussing on “negatives”, they are able to develop additional qualities and capabilities to find meaning in their professional lives in support of their organisation’s goals and strategy.

Group Alignment Coaching

This element allows for a unified approach where all members of a team, have the ability to reach consensus and work towards a common goal to the benefit of the organisation’s goals and strategy. Unlike Group Facilitation, where the outcome is agreed, described and measurable Group Coaching has as its goal to achieve an outcome that has a shared meaning with and an increased understanding amongst team members.

Gravity Defying Coaching

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThe Gravity Defying Coaching Model© was designed with the view to embrace the true spirit of coaching using the analogy of Hot Air Ballooning where the forces of nature dictate the flight.  The departure point is known but the exact destination cannot be predetermined. The purpose of coaching is not for the coach to point the client into a direction but rather for the client to find the solution from within.

During a hot air balloon flight the occupants see the world from a different perspective.  A fundamental aim of the coaching experience is to assist the client to obtain a holistic view of the current situation in order to gain clarity and perspective.

An experienced pilot will harvest the winds at different altitudes to find the best possible flight path.  So too will the client and the coach search for and identify certain realities.  Using this newfound knowledge, appropriate and realistic solutions are sought to best serve the client.

The pilot will carefully select a final landing spot…the destination, no longer an unknown, becomes a reality.  To safely land, one of these “Giants of the skies” requires skill, dedication and commitment. Once the client has identified the best possible option the way forward and actions are determined. The Gravity Defying Coaching process endeavors to provide clients with insight, dedication and commitment…to accept the realities of the present and to make the future their own!